Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shout out to watermelon

When my cousin Annie read my India travel blog she remarked "They've got a lot of watermelon over there!" While that may be so, the real truth of the matter is that I'm obsessed. 

During the hot summers in Texas I eat watermelon every day if I can. It rehydrates me in the morning and makes a delicious dessert in the late afternoon or evening.

Watermelon is hydrating, cooling during the hot pitta predominant summer, and a fabulous source of lycopene and citrulline, two phytonutrients essential to cardiovascular health.

It's also choc full of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, and D, potassium, and other health promoting phenolic compounds.

This may sound odd but I actually love watermelon seeds too. I chew them up right along with the fruit, enjoying their crunch and mild nutty flavor. Plus, they contain small but helpful amounts of iron and zinc.

Mostly though, it's just delicious! My family and I can finish off a huge watermelon about everyday! Definitely my favorite fruit of the moment.

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