Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fruits and friends of the Northwest

I just returned to Austin from three heavenly weeks in the Pacific Northwest, visiting people and places that I dearly missed. Now I am preparing to miss them again.

I feel so held by the sweet circles of Olympia and Portland, by the arms of friends, in the web and thresh of dance, beneath the boughs of apple, plum, & fig, the blackberry thickets, each day greeting my floral friends--nasturtium, clover, calendula, lavender, borage, violet...

The gentle spirals of coming to know someone, their daily rhythms, what and who they have birthed, sharing space...

Breath inside a purple gem of a room,
blessing the baby a'brewin in the belly of a dear one,
fated meetings disguised as chance,
a new pair of acid wash jeans,

Cosmic thump and the ballroom floor is drenched, like a jungle
Singing in the moonlight,
singing in the cocoon of a hardy old van,
singing inside me,

Garden dinners, park picnics, pie potlucks,
pockets of sunshine,
blueberry heaven,
gushing well water,
Olympia magic, Olympia home...

gifts of a morning walk: butterfly plant, figs, lavender, horsetail, rosehips, yarrow, red clover

plum, plantain, morning glory

backyard harvest

salal berries

blackberries evvvverywhere

gettin all packed for Beloved


flat tire (the first of two)

at Beloved

good magic

dashboard altar

where we go to recharge

gorgeous garden dinner, gorgeous friends

garden wraps filled with avocado + veggies, served with an almond butter miso sauce

blueberry heaven

when you pick blueberries each one shows your fingerprints

left: wild rice with nori and smoked salt + fresh favas + acorn squash + walnut pesto
right: raw oat & chia porridge + handpicked blueberries + sprouted almonds + cacao nibs + goji berries + coconut

picnic in da park

one of my cuddle buds

raw plum tarts + ginger honey glaze. made for a beautiful blessing way

chamomile tea with this sweet sister

nori rolls with brown rice, avocado, cucumber, carrot, sesame seeds, and flowers of course: nasturtium, calendula and violets

my girl

Blue moon pie: handpicked blueberries and lavender + oat, chia, flax crust.
 Made this for a lady moon song circle/pie potluck

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