Last night I had the pleasure of doing chalk art for the summer party at the Rosewood Collective, home of Olive Vintage, Sound & True, and Loretta Flower. It was suuuper fun!
I loved sidewalk chalk when I was a kid (who didn't?!) and started to use it again recently when I came back to Austin from India. In India I was so inspired by the chalk rangoli that the women use to bless the entrances to their homes each morning. I could not get enough of these gorgeous mini mandalas that welcome in gods, visitors, and good energy to the home.
Rangoli in Mysore India, January 2013 |
I love it for the freedom that comes with its impermanence,
for its bigness and how I can sit or lay with it, on it,
for its playfulness and its imperfections.
More thoughts and chalks to come...
I love the chalk art!