Saturday, June 29, 2013

sending down roots in Texas

my homecoming rangoli

This is home.


I'm back in Austin Texas, the place of my birth, after over four years in Olympia Washington followed by four months of travel in India. I'm sending down new roots here, and simultaneously missing Oly terribly.
I miss
the woods brimming with nettle and miner's lettuce and oyster mushrooms,
that family of friends,
handfuls of summer berries,
knowing so many rad farmers,
the food co-op and the dance co-op,
the gem that is the Bandha room,
house shows,
and aerial classes,
and knitting circles,

After India I feel the pull of the world too. I want to go just about everywhere. To India again, back to Peru, and to Nepal, and Thailand, Greece, Zanzibar, Switzerland, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil...

I love it here though too. I feel blessed to spend time with my family, and to be meeting so many creative people here: the cooks, dancers, herbalists, artists. And not to have to wonder about when I'll see the sun. And to jump in to the jewel waters of Barton Springs and then lounge in the grass on the shady hills. And to eat watermelon multiple times a day. Yes. Life is lovely here. Still, I wonder where my path will lead me next...

loquats from the backyard

wildflower walk bouquet



  1. How do you eat or cook Loquats?
    Beautiful photographs! Liz

  2. Usually I just pop em in my mouth and spit oit the gorgeous golden seeds! And I've added them to smoothies, and years ago I made some loquat jam.
